DetCord Saisio
Caldari UnchainedPotential Hand That Feeds
Posted - 2011.05.13 01:09:00 -
1) Corporation Taxes (tax rate) are not balanced. Yes, there is a very good reason taxes are collected by corporations. Yes, corporations need to survive and maintain a constant flow of income in order to operate and keep its corp members happy. Yes, tax is applied automatically for mission bounty prizes, agent mission rewards, and mission time bonus rewards and applies only if the amount is in excess of 100,000 ISK.
Since all other occupations are not included in the current taxation mechanic (i.e. player's wallet journal and transactions show all income and taxes incurred), corporation tax rate is left up to the players in those corporation leadership positions to figure out how to implement the tax rate. Though no record of "outside source" income is saved to a player's wallet until a game mechanic kicks in showing what happened. Individuals are left "trusting" the financials were handled correctly with no wallet record for confirmation, aside from an email using numbers generated by players. All the skill categories should be included since they all contribute to income and therefore the generation of taxes... trade, exploration, planet management, social, manufacturing, inventing, mining, missions, pve, pvp, and leadership all could be included in some form or fashion.
I suggest overhauling the tax mechanic in order to standardize tax rates based on value of goods/services for all possible occupations now and future. Time is money and spending time mining or guarding those miners or a pvp fleet killing the entire mining fleet should all have some sort of AUTOMATIC compensation pay rate. Thusly, the tax rate can properly be implemented in order for a correct amount of income to be flowing to the corp wallet and those corp leaders that keep the New Eden world turning.
2) Mining/Indy Ships need stronger defenses: Survival in low/nul sec goes to the blobbed, for sure. (I do not pvp much, so I hope I get this next part right.) Many ships can alpha their target, which makes for a great ISK sink. Don't get me wrong, pvp ships are designed for speed and flexibility and force projection... some are small and quick, others are large and slow but hit harder.
Compare for a moment mining frigates to mining cruisers/battlecruisers/battleships. Oh wait, that's right there are no mining amount bonuses on bc or bs. Are mining barges and exhumers supposed to be in that category? On all mining/indy vessels, I would prevent fitting any module used to damage or negatively affect other ships but beef up the defense by like ten fold. Killing mining ships is just plain stupid easy for any pvp group. Ships of an industrial nature should not be paper thin. Railroad locomotives are huge, slow, and heavy, but they are god-awful tough; same for trash barges, petrol ocean liners, military ocean fleet ships, due to the nature of the environment they were designed to survive in. The vacuum of space should make it that much more so.
If increased defense is not possible via huge shields, armor, hull, resists, etc, then reduce the signature radius by a class size or increase the "empty" agility/sub-warp speed/warp-speed. With those powerful engines, full they should be "slow as all get out" but very fast when empty.
3) More little fluffy bunny pets, like for them to walk around with in station. Not like I am into that, but girls like that kind of stuff. The more girls, the more fun can be had by all. ;)